Should I visit my family right now?

With the holidays just around the corner and the country largely in various states of reopening, people have started to ask whether it’s safe to visit family and friends.CheapAir is aware this is a very personal decision, but the experts we know have some pretty simple tips to keeping yourself (and family) safe.

family in airport with masks

Social Distancing Even When Visiting
It’s been a tough pill to swallow for a lot of us, but one thing we know is that people will adjust to safety measures. As some of us are widening our social circles, we’re still being asked to maintain 6 feet of social distance between people.

If you do decide to visit relatives, make sure you’ve been healthy and asymptomatic for 14 days prior to travel, and plan to maintain that social distance as much as possible even when attending family gatherings. Infectious disease specialists remind us that some carriers are completely asymptomatic, and for this reason masks can be an effective barrier to transmission.

Know Risk Factors and Plan Accordingly
A lot of people have been limiting or even canceling visits for months with grandparents or those in their family with underlying health conditions. Experts say that risk management is the most important consideration here. While it is true that older people and the immune-compromised are more at risk for severe illness, keeping to social distancing guidelines along with frequent hand washing and limiting the people with whom you come in close contact.

Flying is Safer Than You Might Think
When Covid-19 arrived, the airline and travel industry were hit hard and had to react quickly. To their credit, they did and we now have policies and procedures in place to keep travelers as safe as possible throughout the air travel journey. In addition, the air filtration system on airplanes is state-of-the-art and rivals the systems found in hospitals.

Understand Risks Depend on Geography
Right now there are areas around the country managing Covid-19 better than others. Know the facts on the ground for the destinations you plan to visit. For instance, some states have instituted 14-day quarantines for arriving travelers. Hawaii had been one of these states, but has plans to relax the requirement as of early September if people have a recent (within 72-hour) negative Covid test.

A complete list of states with quarantines in place can be found on Just choose your destination and a travel advisory with the quarantine details will appear. In addition, these advisories are a bit of a moving target. Keep in mind that when you book your ticket the situation on the ground might be different than when you actually plan to visit. Basically, you have to have a flexible mindset on the travel restrictions that could be in place.

Get a Test
Not all municipalities have fast-result Covid tests for travelers, but they are becoming more available. As a peace of mind precaution, if you can get your hands on a test right before you travel and can socially distance while airborne, you’ll be able to be reasonably certain you’re not infectious upon arrival. As these fast-result tests become more widespread, expect more places to lift quarantine restrictions for eligible travelers.

We’re still not pushing people to travel right now, but if you’re considering a trip or two, have the facts on your side. And please stay safe out there!

The post Should I visit my family right now? appeared first on CheapAir.

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