Tips for Securing a Global Entry Interview

If you're like many travelers, you might be putting off enrollment in the Global Entry program because you're finding it impossible to secure an interview. However, there are a few tips you can keep in your back pocket to make the process much more manageable.

Did you know? At 9 AM local time on the first Monday of every month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) release interview appointment slots for conditionally approved applicants to schedule at enrollment centers.

"Given the unprecedented demand and continued interest in TTP, CBP is at an inflection point, where we must provide consistent, efficient, and accessible processing methods for applicants to select an appropriate enrollment option," TTP director Michael Millich said in a statement. "This includes ensuring a coordinated release of interview appointments on a recurring basis."

Most recently, this meant Monday, June 5. Next month's appointment slots will open on Monday, July 3.

If you've missed the window for this month, read on for more tips on how to secure an interview to enroll in the Global Entry program.

Enrollment on Arrival

Conditionally approved applicants can complete the interview process when returning to the U.S. from abroad via CBP's Enrollment on Arrival service.

Rather than scheduling and partaking in a formal interview at a Global Entry enrollment center, you can finish the process at one of 65 airport locations as part of your trip home. You can access the list of the participating airports here.

How does this work? When you land, head to the customs line, just as you would for the immigration process when returning to the U.S. after an international trip. From there, follow signs in the airport for the "Enrollment on Arrival" lanes. An agent will complete your interview during your admissibility inspection.

Note that the interviews for the Global Entry Enrollment on Arrival are only available during certain hours; make sure it will be open when you pass through CPB.

Last-minute & Day-of Appointments

If you're unable to secure a Global Entry interview slot during a Monday release, you can also double-check on other mornings to see if there are last-minute openings due to day-of cancellations. A person who previously confirmed a spot might not be able to make it in the end, giving you the chance to take advantage of the newly freed up space.

Appointment Scanner

Unable to book an appointment for Global Entry the traditional way but really need to finish the enrollment process? Try using an alternate service like Appointment Scanner.

This paid service, which costs users $29 a month, sends them a month's worth of appointment alerts (up to 25 per day) based on last-minute cancellations – and newly released appointments – at over 20 enrollment centers for Global Entry.

There's no guarantee that you will be able to schedule an interview, per the service itself, but it does promise that unsatisfied customers will receive a refund within 30 days.

Given the continued demand for Global Entry and other TTPs, appointments are extremely hard to come by and require flexibility and patience. If you still need to complete your enrollment process, take advantage of credit cards that cover the nonrefundable $100 application fee that Global Entry requires.

If you already have Global Entry, you can use that card to pay for someone else's membership – a nice gesture for a beloved family member or friend, don't you think?

So there you go: Mark you calendars for the first Monday of each month. Keep your eyes peeled for CBP's release of Global Entry enrollment interview appointment times and happy travels!

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