Visitors Coverage Travel Insurance

Trusted by travelers around the world:

  • 1 million+ Customers
  • 98% Satisfaction rating
  • 176 Countries served
  • 15 Years experience

International Travel Insurance

International travel insurance plans are available for U.S. and non-U.S. citizens taking short, international trips or living abroad temporarily. International travel insurance can provide you with coverage for expenses incurred due to illnesses or injuries during your travels, emergency evacuation, trip interruption or cancellation.

Likewise, international travel insurance provides coverage for loss of passport or wallet, misplaced luggage, assistance in the event of a natural disaster, repatriation benefits, and many other potential risks that could spoil your trip.

Trip Insurance

Covers expenses related to flight cancellations, trip interruptions & baggage delays

Traveling abroad can be one of the most exciting adventures of a lifetime. Meeting new people, experiencing different cultures and exploring famous sites are great ways to get to know the world and even yourself a little bit better.

On the downside, travel can be expensive and involve risk. If you have to cancel your trip, or experience trip delays or interruptions, this coverage protects you financially.

We also provide:

Visitors Insurance
Covers medical expenses for short-term visitors to the U.S.

Immigrant/Green card Insurance
Short-term medical coverage for New U.S. Immigrants & Green Card Holders

Europe/Schengen Insurance
Covers medical expenses during your European trip

Student Visa Insurance
Covers medical expenses for students studying abroad